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O felix puerpera / In seculum
E-Mn 20486 (Codex de Madrid)
small codex containing music of the Notre Dame school
O felix puerpera
Motetus in Ma, contrafact of Ma loiauté
Chanconnete va t’en tost / A la cheminee / Veritatem
Chanconnete va t’en tost
A la cheminee / Mout sont vallant cil de Gant / Par verité
three-voice motet found in W2
Par verité
Mout sont vallant cil de gant
A la cheminee
GB-Lbl Add. MS 30091 (LoC)
Balaam prophetanti patuit fortis
Balaam prophetanti patuit fortis / Balaam
2-voice Latin motet found uniquely in LoC ff. 6v-7r
TEI available
A resource that has TEI available on Github
Marian devotion
trope of marian devotion
Courtly love
a trope of courtly love
Flos filius eius
Stirps Jesse virgam produxit virgaque florem et super hunc florem requiescit spiritus almus. Virgo dei genitrix virga est flos filius eius
Bele Aelis par matin se leva / Haro haro je le voi / Flos filius eius
3-voice French motet found in Ba ff. 23r-v and Mo ff. 132v-134r Sometimes known as "hareu"
Bele Aelis par matin se leva
Haro haro je la voi
E-BUlh s/n (Codex Las Huelgas)
Spanish manuscript containing liturgical music from 11th-14th centuries
Li doz termines magree / Balaam
Two-voiced French motet found in N (f. 180v) and Mo (f. 249v)
Li dous termines magree
In veritate comperi
Ce fu en tres douz tens
Motet upper voice found in one motet in Cl
Diex me doint loial ami
refrain found in one motet
Showing 1 to 25 of 50 results
of 2